Monday, August 20, 2007

First Morning in San Jose

My first morning in San Jose. It's been a busy one. I got up and had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast since it was all I had besides a water filter.

Mo spent the night stuck to the inside of my sleeping bag. I think she might still be there. She's afraid to come out. It took her an hour to get brave enough to climb the stairs, now I don't think she's going to come down. I caught her peeping under the loft railing earlier, but beyond that I haven't seen hide nor hair of her.

Oh well, she'll get used to it. She loved the hardwood floor in our kitchen at home. It was the perfect place to pretend she was ice skating. She would run from the living room, jump onto the hard wood floor, and slide on her fuzzy little feet all the way to the other wall. I imagine after she figures out this place won't eat her, she'll be having a ball sliding all around the apartment. I hope she remembers there are stairs with no carpet.


After I wandered around outside and took some pictures of my empty apartment, my friends brought over the sofa they promised to give me and a few other goodies.

They decided on their way home that I needed a projector.. and some speakers.. and a plant. So they set me up. I have a set of speakers and a projector so I can play dvd's on my laptop and shine them on the big white vacant wall by the stairway. It's going to be like a huge flat-screen TV.


Wasn't that sweet?

A few other random shots.

Ignore the messy bits.

They're still looking for proper homes.

Here are a few other random shots of my apartment, then I'm off to explore. I'm taking my camera, so watch out. I have no idea where I'm going today, but I've decided my bus pass and my books are #1 priorities. So first I'm going to go to campus and get my student ID, then I'm going to take that to get my bus pass so they'll give me the nice student discount. Then I'm going to go back to campus with my schedule in my pocket so I can find where all my classes are before they start on Thursday. After I walk around campus and probably take a half zillion pictures, I'm going to go to the bookstore and pick up my books. I figure that should be my last stop around campus because after that, I'm going to want to walk straight home. Hopefully they're not too heavy.. or some poor little kid will loan me his wagon for a half hour.

Stay tune, I'm sure I'll have lots more to post soon.


Unknown said...

Awwww, you dear lil lambchop!! Thanks for taking the time to let us know you're ok :)

I LURVE the ocean pic of course..Your little house looks lovely and I'm sure in no time at all you will be settled in and cultivating a jungle of various herbs and plants..pesto anyone? hehe

Mo will get used to it very quickly and will be creating havoc dashing about the place and finding all the nooks and crannies to hide in and attack you as you walk past.

Hope you get all your errands run with no problems and have a wee look around without getting lost...How exciting this all is...woohoo you are on your way to great things now...

((((((((((((((((Tom and Mo))))))))))))))))loves and sproinks!!

Anonymous said...

ahhhh you are a sweetie for letting us know what's going on while you still have time to do so. we were all thinking of you yesterday (well all weekend really) did u feel mike, vampy and me mentioning you?

great pix btw, and yes, isn't that coastal highway absolutely beautiful and fun to ride up and down, lol...u should try it at night where it's zigzaggy and some of these small towns have no street lights, it's like space mountain. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

poor lil mo, she'll get used to it quickly and then watch out, lol.

the couch and plant are beautiful, as well as the apt. looks very luxurious, and i'm glad to know that it is big enough for two should you get a roommate some semester. did you figure out which window is mo's yet?

great pix, of course. okay have fun at the campus bookstore, and then when u realize how expensive stuff is there, u'll end up buying your stuff at office max :p. i know, it's a novelty, lol, and you should get logo stuff on it, ur so cute.

p.s. can you please say an extra special thanks to your friends for me (us) for taking good care of you, getting you settled and helping make ur home more comfy and beautiful? :)

love you love you love you :).

and don't forget to go meet that really nice lady from the admissions office, i'm counting on her to take good care of you :). maybe she'll let you snag a pic of her so we can see what she looks like :).

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, Tom! The pictures are amazing! I LOVE your apartment...can I come visit you and Mo sometime? LOL. I am so excited that you're going to college! San Jose State University is lucky to have you there.
