Monday, August 20, 2007

First SJSU Trek

Okay, so where do I even start? How about a nice picture of one of the many SJSU signs. I went exploring today before I got my books and found all sorts of neat things. I never actually got off campus except when I got the rest of my books, which I found cheaper at a place called Robert's Art Suppy and Bookstore. It's the off-campus (but not very far off-campus) competition to the SJSU Spartan Bookstore.

Then how about we go to a nice campus map?

This is one of the gates that leads to SJSU campus.

And one of the main walkways. Campus is basically right downtown, but it's like it's own separate little world. I really didn't get off campus, like I said. I'm planning on doing some more exploring tomorrow when I have time.

Funky tree that's beside the Engineering Building (which I forgot to take a picture of).

Here's our Student Union building.

And the statue about Black Power that's behind it.

This is Tower Hall. Isn't it pretty? I took a bunch of pictures of it, but this one shows the whole building. The rest of the pictures I have are just parts of it and different angles.

Two pictures of Dwight Bentel Hall, the Journalism building.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. What can you say besides "Wow"... This place is HUGE and amazingly pretty. I can't wait to take some picture of it at night when it's all lit up.

Oh, that reminds me. I need to take a picture of the 4th St. Parking Garage, too. It has some funky lights on the side that make it really unique. I didn't get the chance to take a picture of it when we were driving in.

This is one of the stairways inside MLK Jr. Library. Sure it's cliche, but it was literally begging for me to snap its picture.


And now, I saved the best (and funkiest) for last. Okay, maybe it's not the best, but it's definitely the funkiest. This is the Arts Building where I'll be spending a lot of my time. Actually, it's the Arts Building sign.

Then we have the Art Quad. Which has to be, by far, the wildest place I visited all day. There's a sculpture/statue/something/thing there that has had no title as far as I could tell except for the stenciled letters directly painted on it that said, "Acce$$ Re$tricted". Here's a photo of the whole thing, then I'll break it down for you.

Here's the head....

Which is holding a chain in its mouth. Dangling from the chain is this poor guy. He's holding onto the chain behind his back, his briefcase is attached to his tie. The chain is attached again to his ankles.

Dangling from the chain on his ankles, is this young lady, who is sitting comfortably on a swing, breastfeeding her child. I'm going to let you draw your own conclusions as to what this is all about. I have a few different ideas and it would be neat to actually discover if any of them agree with the original design.

Well, that's all for now. I still haven't gotten my VTA (Valley Transportation Authority) Pass yet since I never made it off campus. I think I'll do that tomorrow. There are a lot of places within walking distance, so I think I'm going to head out and stock up on some groceries.

I've got some research to do tonight as to where the best and cheapest little vegetarian places are. I passed several billion little cafes and coffee shops, so I know I won't be lacking for caffeine. And I've heard downtown San Jose has at least 592,298 Starbucks. The Starbucks card that I've had since Christmas is going to start smoking soon.

Oh yes, and Mo the invisible kitty has finally come out of hiding. I coaxed her out on a bribe. Who can resist curling up on a warm pair of Hello Kitty pajamas?

Hasta luego. 0:)

I'm off to find tempeh and vanilla soy milk!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww Mo looks soo cute on the pj's...LoL

Wow you have been getting around a bit huh? Good for you..I want a 'no tresspassers' sign on your front gooby people allowed!

Its fantastic to see all the pics of your new environment...I am a wee bit perturbed by teh art quad statue/sculpture whosiwhatsit..its a bit scary!

OMG the library is manifique!! I'd love a few hours browsing in there with a coffee bought on your smoking starbucks card hehe..

I'm really pleased you're settling in so well and that Mo has begun to explore a wee bit even if it is only your pj's.

Stay safe, stay happy and keep up the good bloggy work. I gotta go get my mobile back now before the cab driver starts calling Sal..LoL
((((((((((((Tom and Mo))))))))))))))loves and sproinks