Monday, August 27, 2007

B&W Friday

I have a few spare minutes so I thought I would put some B&W's up. Some of these I took on Friday, some of them I took a few months ago.

Here's a fern I shot for a depth of field portfolio I was putting together a while ago.

And a doorstop for my still life portfolio.

Measuring cups/spoons for a reflection thing I'm working on.

Another still life.

And another.

A B&W of a little place that's right across from City Hall.

A B&W of part of City Hall.

A puddle reflection.

Part of the Center for the Performing Arts.

And the coolest place ever - Alum Rock Park.


Unknown said...

OMG Tom!! I love that rock looks like a beautiful painting!! All your pics are fantabulous...some of them give me vertigo...LoL I think thats a good thing...

But I coudnt share your enthusiasm for teh *C* i closed my eyes quickly over that one...btw i thought your art was pretty damn good..your screwed up paper one was everso realistic..

Ash and I are in teh doldrums cause Xena has run away from home and we cant find her...she better find her way home cause its an unhappy home without her...

I'm really enjoying sharing some of your daily doings...its good fun and of course its always nice to know that you are doing well..

((((((((((((((((Tom and Mo))))))))))))))))))))))loves and sproinks

Benj said...

I love the measuring cups - the reflection pictures are really cool in black and white. The alum rock garden looks like a nice place to lay down and read a book - and pray that a white rabbit doesn't run by screaming that he's late.