Thursday, June 12, 2008

you have to guess where i am


Sometimes the clouds do this and it makes everything look really strange.
It might rain, it might not.

This is the hot water heater that heats water as it comes out of the shower head :)

The old house

Dancing lessons. :)

The start of the new house

Concrete block assembly line & lollies. :)

A different new house.
Don't worry, it will have windows and a door soon.

Brianiz helping.

Jamilka, Talia & Josie.

corazon azul

These mark places on the roadways where people have died..
it's supposed to remind you to slow down and drive more carefully.

The garden heart. :)

Pitching in to build the garden fence.. with a machete.. eek.

Rucu peak.

crater lake


15,100 feet up

They wanted their pictures taken reallllly bad.

Pet.. um... ?

guanabana fruit

Plants on Pichincha.

Oh... and P.S. I'm voting Republican!
Watch the video below to find out why!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great video and what the HELL are you doing in Ecuador? lol.