Tuesday, June 24, 2008

*waves goodbye to Quito*

Here we go...

Somewhere with very different
scenery than this...

We're almost there...

Santo Domingo!

Not that one,
the one in Ecuador.

Let's go to the market.


Buen provecho...

Una ganga!
Yeah right...

View from the back of one house near
our destination just outside
Santo Domingo.

Some back yards.

You can't say this isn't pretty.



Asi fue

We're here!

Our room.
(mostly NOT my stuff)


This is going to be... a house?

There's a hole in the middle of the earth..
there's a hole
there's a hole
There's concrete in the hole
in the middle of the earth...

More foundations
and more corners

More holes and foundations
and corners...

But it's getting there.

The inside of the new house

I have so much left and I'm running out of time!
Skip to the school...

A story just for you.

I wish I could remember her name

Bulletin board about how to be and eat healthy

Just another reason to
be a tree hugger!

If you hug a royal palm tree and make a wish
they say the wish will be considered
for granting

What should I wish for...
If I tell you, it won't come true.
I'll let you know if it did next time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like an interesting trip so far. divertirse y buena suerte.