Friday, November 2, 2007

maybe they're the reason


These people believe the reason our soldiers are dying in Iraq is because God is taking revenge on this country's acceptance of homosexuality. Want to know what's really wrong with this country? Take a good look inside yourselves. If homosexuality is really against God's will... then we'll save you seats in hell because we'll be seeing you there too.

"Judge not lest ye be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7: 1-4

P.S. $20 says she's pregnant before she finishes high school.

Give me an A...
Give me a B...
Give me a S...
Give me a T...
Give me an I...
Give me an N...
Give me an E...
Give me an N...
Give me a C...
Give me an E...

What's that spell?

That spells... your kids are lying to you. Hope you enjoy being a grandparent.

Some days you REALLY want to give the world a great big finger...
But then you think... No... If I do that, I'm no better.
Oh.. what the hell. Blow it out your ass!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol yes she probably will be pregnant, and of course abortion will be OUT of the question, so these subspecies of the human race not only go on, but procreate and make more to increase their population *sigh*.

why did we ever form societies and change the whole survival of the fittest doctrine?

i finally caught up with ur blog...great pix and it's good to see you, as busy as you are :).

when i was at the SF zoo, waaaay back before you were born, they were one of the few zoos left that had the Lion House (don't know if that's still the case). If it is still there, try and get there for feeding time. I know it's cruel, but it is the most amazing thing you will EVER hear in your life...dozens of roaring lions in a domed was so awesome i cried.

i love you and hope to see you soon cubby *kissy kissy and hugs*, sproinks to mo :)