Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wow, what a holiday!

It seems like it's been forever since I wrote anything in here. Oh wait, it has. I've been super busy. I spent the holiday season in San Francisco. Yep, I was there when the tiger escaped. And yep, they closed the zoo... which was one of the main highlights I wanted to hit. I never got there. They were supposed to reopen it while I was there, but they changed their plans and it reopened right after I left. All the better anyway, because the big cat exhibits are still closed to the public. :( Oh well. My preparatory work was in vain. All that trauma for nothing, but at least Guinea Pig Island wasn't a complete waste. Maybe some other time.

So I left for San Francisco before Christmas, stayed in Adelaide Hostel, and spent Christmas, New Year's and a couple days after up there. It was the time of my life. I had so much fun. And I took soooo many pictures, as you can just imagine.

If you want to take a photo tour of some of the places I went, some of the people I met, and some of the things I saw, you can....

Just go to my photo album from the trip....

Click here!

I hope you enjoy the pictures and Happy New Year!

P.S. I know I'm way behind on Project 365, but I didn't keep it up while I was in SF. I'm making it a goal to get it going again as of today.