Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Hollow

Wow, you guys! It's been a whole month since I posted anything. Time flies when you're so busy you can't stop to breathe. But last weekend I took a little time to stop to breathe. I went to the Happy Hollow Park & Zoo. It's mental preparation for when I go to the San Francisco Zoo. I'm planning on making a trip up there over Christmas break to see SF and of course, the zoo. I'm sure it will be tons of fun hobnobbing in the land of happy homos! :) I hope by the time I'm done walking all over SF during the day I have enough energy left over for nightlife. I might have to invest in cases of Red Bull to pull it off.

But anyway, back to the mental preparation. They didn't have a lot of animals at the Happy Hollow Zoo, but it was a good first step to build up my courage for all the big scary animals at the real zoo. Okay, so they're not all scary, but to get to the beautiful, cute and cuddly ones, they make you walk through the short, creepy and ugly ones. Birds? Excuse me, but I'm not getting within 20 feet of those giant things. As it was, I had to use mega zoom to get this pretty macaw. I like to look at them, but was it really necessary to make them that big?

This is my new friend, Bea. She was scared of the birds, too. I have to give the kids kudos, though. She went in the infinitely frightening petting zoo while I stood on the outside of the fence. Silly girl. Maybe she'll learn as she gets older.

There were a couple highlights at Happy Hollow. The first was Guinea Pig Island. Now I don't really like guinea pigs that well, having known two personally, but these guys were okay. Plus they were the first stop after the petting zoo and that was enough trauma to make me think guinea pigs were about the best thing on Earth.

Then there was this guy, a fenel fox. He must have had a rough night. I never actually saw his eyes open.

And of course, the meerkats, who are so cute and playful. They're like the otters at other zoos. You can stand there for hours watching them run around.

Then we have Sophia, the jaguar. I didn't see her at all the first stop I made by her enclosure, but she made a majestic appearance on my way out of the park. Isn't she purty?

Now for the other main highlight, the lemurs. They were SO cute. They played and bounced all over the place in the morning. By afternoon, they were lazy and tired. I think I got the best of both worlds.

There were all sorts of farm animals, ducks, koi and exotic-y sheep. I didn't post any of those pictures just in case a certain someone happens to read my blog, which I doubt. But if it happens, there will be no traumatizing photographs of the cute little baa-baas.

So that's all for now. I'll try to keep up more on this. But as the title of the blogspot says, no guarantees. Life has been uber busy with all sorts of goings-on. But soon it will be Christmas time and I will be tripping along the yellow brick road to see the wizard... or at least some of these guys, who are my main target at the SF Zoo!

Lions and Tigers and Lemurs!

P.S. Happy almost Halloween. I still don't have a costume. Help?

I thought I'd post a few pictures from the LA zoo down here at the bottom just for fun (and because I wanted to fit them in somewhere!). -Sorry: no creepy birds, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, giraffes, camels, llamas, goats, -

It's obvious where I spend most of my time at the zoo, huh?