Friday, September 21, 2007

disclaimer: depressing

I was thinking, which is dangerous for me to do. But I think before my life is over, the US will fall.

We're like the big tough guy in the fight who has the size and the brute strength to win. But radical Islam is the little guy who will win the fight because he believes he can and will.

Know what I think our biggest problem is?

We have no one left to believe in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I've been so busy with everything at school - and everything else - that I haven't had much time to keep up on my blogging. Classes are going pretty good, but I've got so much to do it's hard to keep up with the spare parts of life. My extra time I've spent restocking my Neopets store. It's becoming one of those de-stressers like cleaning that's just monotonous and mind-numbing. Like cleaning, it has a greater good. There's the obvious benefits of cleaning. And my Neo bank account is up to over 400k, which it's never been.

Maybe when I'm not pulling my hair out, I'll look into redecorating the upstairs room that started this whole thing. If you didn't know, I tore it all out and sold most of it except the few bits I thought might come in handy some time. I'm planning on doing something more sensible with it than building a bar. We'll see. I think the business market is cornered anyway. Maybe I'll have a nice attic to store junk in. Everyone needs a junk attic.

Much love, squishes, hugs, and sproinks. I'm really sorry I haven't had much time to come out and play. :( I miss you guys.

(Noooooo, I didn't draw him. I stole him from a google image search. My art class can't work miracles.)